Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen

The goal is to increase the amount of fresh produce we are consuming, and yet so much of what is commercially grown is heavy in pesticide residue. I personally don't want to feed my family pesticides so I try to grow as much as as I can in my own garden using organic methods. For all the wonderful foods that just don't grow in my yard,  I turn to this list. The 'dirty dozen' are the foods that contain the highest pesticide residue. They are listed in order of the amounts of pesticides found leeching into them. These are the foods you should spend the extra money to buy organically if you can't grow them yourself, or know of someone local who grows them without the use of pesticides. The 'clean fifteen' are the foods that absorb the least amount of pesticides. Note that Spinach and Potatoes came off the dirty dozen list this year and carrots and Kale have been added. Bananas used to be on the clean list, but I don't see them this year. 


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